- A+
IPsec VPN全称(Internet Protocol Security Virtual Private Network)IP安全协议虚拟专用网。它是指采用IPsec协议来实现的一种VPN技术。是由Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) 定义的安全标准框架,在公网上为两个私有网络提供安全通信通道,通过包封装对通道加密,保证连接的安全——在两个公共网关间提供私密数据封包服务。
- 服务器系统:Ubuntu 16.04
- 香港VPS一台
wget https://git.io/vpnquickstart -O vpn.sh && sudo sh vpn.sh
#!/bin/sh # # Quick start script to set up an IPsec VPN server on Ubuntu, Debian, # CentOS/RHEL, Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux, Amazon Linux 2 and Alpine Linux # Works on any dedicated server or virtual private server (VPS) # # DO NOT RUN THIS SCRIPT ON YOUR PC OR MAC! # # The latest version of this script is available at: # https://github.com/hwdsl2/setup-ipsec-vpn # # Copyright (C) 2021 Lin Song <linsongui@gmail.com> # # This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 # Unported License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ # # Attribution required: please include my name in any derivative and let me # know how you have improved it! export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" exiterr() { echo "Error: $1" >&2; exit 1; } check_root() { if [ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]; then exiterr "Script must be run as root. Try 'sudo sh $0'" fi } check_vz() { if [ -f /proc/user_beancounters ]; then exiterr "OpenVZ VPS is not supported." fi } check_lxc() { # shellcheck disable=SC2154 if [ "$container" = "lxc" ] && [ ! -e /dev/ppp ]; then cat 1>&2 <<'EOF' Error: /dev/ppp is missing. LXC containers require configuration. See: https://github.com/hwdsl2/setup-ipsec-vpn/issues/1014 EOF exit 1 fi } check_os() { os_type=centos rh_file="/etc/redhat-release" if grep -qs "Red Hat" "$rh_file"; then os_type=rhel fi if grep -qs "release 7" "$rh_file"; then os_ver=7 elif grep -qs "release 8" "$rh_file"; then os_ver=8 grep -qi stream "$rh_file" && os_ver=8s grep -qi rocky "$rh_file" && os_type=rocky grep -qi alma "$rh_file" && os_type=alma elif grep -qs "Amazon Linux release 2" /etc/system-release; then os_type=amzn os_ver=2 else os_type=$(lsb_release -si 2>/dev/null) [ -z "$os_type" ] && [ -f /etc/os-release ] && os_type=$(. /etc/os-release && printf '%s' "$ID") case $os_type in [Uu]buntu) os_type=ubuntu ;; [Dd]ebian) os_type=debian ;; [Rr]aspbian) os_type=raspbian ;; [Aa]lpine) os_type=alpine ;; *) cat 1>&2 <<'EOF' Error: This script only supports one of the following OS: Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS/RHEL 7/8, Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux, Amazon Linux 2 or Alpine Linux EOF exit 1 ;; esac if [ "$os_type" = "alpine" ]; then os_ver=$(. /etc/os-release && printf '%s' "$VERSION_ID" | cut -d '.' -f 1,2) if [ "$os_ver" != "3.14" ]; then exiterr "This script only supports Alpine Linux 3.14." fi else os_ver=$(sed 's/..*//' /etc/debian_version | tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9') if [ "$os_ver" = "8" ] || [ "$os_ver" = "jessiesid" ]; then exiterr "Debian 8 or Ubuntu < 16.04 is not supported." fi fi fi } check_iface() { def_iface=$(route 2>/dev/null | grep -m 1 '^default' | grep -o '[^ ]*$') if [ "$os_type" != "alpine" ]; then [ -z "$def_iface" ] && def_iface=$(ip -4 route list 0/0 2>/dev/null | grep -m 1 -Po '(?<=dev )(S+)') fi def_state=$(cat "/sys/class/net/$def_iface/operstate" 2>/dev/null) check_wl=0 if [ -n "$def_state" ] && [ "$def_state" != "down" ]; then if [ "$os_type" = "ubuntu" ] || [ "$os_type" = "debian" ] || [ "$os_type" = "raspbian" ]; then if ! uname -m | grep -qi -e '^arm' -e '^aarch64'; then check_wl=1 fi else check_wl=1 fi fi if [ "$check_wl" = "1" ]; then case $def_iface in wl*) exiterr "Wireless interface '$def_iface' detected. DO NOT run this script on your PC or Mac!" ;; esac fi } check_iptables() { if [ "$os_type" = "ubuntu" ] || [ "$os_type" = "debian" ] || [ "$os_type" = "raspbian" ]; then if [ -x /sbin/iptables ] && ! iptables -nL INPUT >/dev/null 2>&1; then exiterr "IPTables check failed. Reboot and re-run this script." fi fi } wait_for_apt() { count=0 apt_lk=/var/lib/apt/lists/lock pkg_lk=/var/lib/dpkg/lock while fuser "$apt_lk" "$pkg_lk" >/dev/null 2>&1 || lsof "$apt_lk" >/dev/null 2>&1 || lsof "$pkg_lk" >/dev/null 2>&1; do [ "$count" = "0" ] && echo "## Waiting for apt to be available..." [ "$count" -ge "100" ] && exiterr "Could not get apt/dpkg lock." count=$((count+1)) printf '%s' '.' sleep 3 done } install_pkgs() { if ! command -v wget >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [ "$os_type" = "ubuntu" ] || [ "$os_type" = "debian" ] || [ "$os_type" = "raspbian" ]; then wait_for_apt export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive ( set -x apt-get -yqq update ) || exiterr "'apt-get update' failed." ( set -x apt-get -yqq install wget >/dev/null ) || exiterr "'apt-get install wget' failed." elif [ "$os_type" != "alpine" ]; then ( set -x yum -y -q install wget >/dev/null ) || exiterr "'yum install wget' failed." fi fi if [ "$os_type" = "alpine" ]; then ( set -x apk add -U -q bash coreutils grep net-tools sed wget ) || exiterr "'apk add' failed." fi } get_setup_url() { base_url="https://github.com/hwdsl2/setup-ipsec-vpn/raw/master" sh_file="vpnsetup_ubuntu.sh" if [ "$os_type" = "centos" ] || [ "$os_type" = "rhel" ] || [ "$os_type" = "rocky" ] || [ "$os_type" = "alma" ]; then sh_file="vpnsetup_centos.sh" elif [ "$os_type" = "amzn" ]; then sh_file="vpnsetup_amzn.sh" elif [ "$os_type" = "alpine" ]; then sh_file="vpnsetup_alpine.sh" fi setup_url="$base_url/$sh_file" } run_setup() { status=0 if tmpdir=$(mktemp --tmpdir -d vpn.XXXXX 2>/dev/null); then if ( set -x; wget -t 3 -T 30 -q -O "$tmpdir/vpn.sh" "$setup_url" || curl -fsL "$setup_url" -o "$tmpdir/vpn.sh" 2>/dev/null ); then if /bin/bash "$tmpdir/vpn.sh"; then if [ -s /opt/src/ikev2.sh ] && [ ! -f /etc/ipsec.d/ikev2.conf ]; then sleep 1 /bin/bash /opt/src/ikev2.sh --auto || status=1 fi else status=1 fi else status=1 echo "Error: Could not download VPN setup script." >&2 fi /bin/rm -f "$tmpdir/vpn.sh" /bin/rmdir "$tmpdir" else exiterr "Could not create temporary directory." fi } quickstart() { check_root check_vz check_lxc check_os check_iface check_iptables install_pkgs get_setup_url run_setup } ## Defer setup until we have the complete script quickstart "$@" exit "$status"
chmod +x vpn.sh sh vpn.sh
执行完成后会有显示相应的IPsec PSK秘钥。还有对应的VPN用户名和密码。

- 将生成的
文件安全地传输到您的 Android 设备。 - 从Google Play、F-Droid或strongSwan 下载服务器安装 strongSwan VPN 客户端。
- 启动 strongSwan VPN 客户端。
- 点击右上角的“更多选项”菜单,然后点击导入 VPN 配置文件。
- 选择
您从 VPN 服务器传输的文件。
文件,请点击三行菜单按钮,然后浏览到您保存文件的位置。 - 在“导入 VPN 配置文件”屏幕上,点击从VPN 配置文件导入证书,然后按照提示操作。
- 在“选择证书”屏幕上,选择新的客户端证书,然后点击选择。
- 点击导入。
- 点击新的 VPN 配置文件进行连接。
(可选功能)您可以选择在 Android 上启用“Always-on VPN”功能。启动设置应用程序,转到网络和互联网 -> 高级 -> VPN,单击“strongSwan VPN 客户端”右侧的齿轮图标,然后启用永远在线的 VPN和阻止没有 VPN 的连接选项。如果您在不使用帮助程序脚本的情况下手动设置 IKEv2,请单击此处获取说明。
成功连接后,您可以通过在 Google 上查找您的 IP 地址来验证您的流量是否被正确路由。它应该说“您的公共 IP 地址是Your VPN Server IP
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